
Neuroenhancing Herbs: Ashwagandha

Not only are there supplements such as vitamins and amino acids which can greatly improve mental performance and memory, there are a number of herbs which have facinating properties and results as well.

Ashwagandha comes from a shrub grown in North America and India. It's botanical name is withania somnifera and is often called Indian Ginsing or winter cheery. Ashwagandha is a flavanoid which are known for their antioxidant properties and benefits.

So what is Ashwagandha good for?

Ashwagandha has been known to help with sexual vitality, but also as a treatment for memory loss. Thus, it has been used by those seeking to improve their mental clarity and memory capability. Users in a number of supplement forums have reported excellent results when using it.

How much is safe to take?

Experts recommend doses of no more than 500mg. Larger and more regular doses can result in restlessness and anxiety.

How often can Ashwagandha be taken?

3 or 4 times a week is recommended. Also, as with all supplements, periodic breaks can be beneficial as well.

Where can Ashwagandha be purchased?

Both online in bulk, in pill or powder form and from retail supplement shops.

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